Nadine Lepage Counselli​ng​​
Nadine Lepage Counselli​ng​​
Here are some of the resources I most often recommend:
Here are some of the resources I most often recommend:
I occasionally suggest videos or books to clients as a way to supplement our counselling work. There are so many existing resources! I don’t recommend anything I haven’t read, watched, or accessed myself yet first, so please keep coming back as this list will keep getting longer. If you have any suggestions for me, please let me know, as learning and growing never ends!
Disclaimer: I am sharing these resources as I have found them interesting and useful and invite you to use them for information and entertainment purposes only. These resources are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, or therapy. Never disregard professional psychological or medical advice nor delay in seeking professional advice or treatment because of something you have read on any website.

The Struggle Switch - Dr. Russ Harris
Meditation 101 - A Beginner's Guide
Why Mindfulness is a Superpower
Bob Newhart - STOP IT!
It's Not About the Nail
Explaining Anxiety to People Who Don't Have Anxiety
Mental Brakes to Avoid Mental Breaks - Steven Hayes
Why we All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid - Guy Winch
Window of Tolerance: What it is and how to stay in it
Window of Tolerance Reimagined
The Power of Vulnerability - by Brené Brown
How to Stop A Bully
Cristel Carrisi - Own Your Mistakes
Sesame Street: Big Bird Sings About Mistakes
Introduction to EMDR Therapy
Character Strengths (Find your 24 Character Strengths @ VIA Institute)
Values Exercise (@Think2Perform)
Attachment quiz (Attachment styles and their role in adult relationships @ Attachment Project)
Love Languages quiz
Web Resources
Web Resources
Anxiety Canada
Canadian Mental Health Association; Alberta Southeast Region
Apps (These are not a substitute for therapy!)
Apps (These are not a substitute for therapy!)
Calm Harm
Cost: Free
Based on: DBT (dialectical behaviour therapy)
Purpose: Aimed for youth to help manage the urge to self-harm; but can be used to learn how to be mindful of emotions and help soothe anxiety
Clear Fear
Cost: Free
Based on: CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy)
Purpose: Aimed for youth but helpful tools to help manage anxiety
Luminosity Mind
Cost: Free to start but can subscribe to access more
Based on: mindfulness
Purpose: Meditations
Cost: Free
Based on: CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy)
Purpose: tools for and information on anxiety
Cost: Free (certain features)
Based on: mindfulness
Purpose: meditations
Smiling Mind
Cost: Free
Based on: mindfulness
Purpose: meditations; includes options for youth and adults
Disclaimer: If you have questions or concerns about any of these apps, please check out the specific app’s FAQs and/or Terms of Services, contact your family physician, therapist, or other professional familiar with the app.